Workshop on RISC-V for Cloud Services

(organized by the RISER Project / co-located with RISC-V Summit Europe)

Barceló Sants Hotel & Conference Centre, Plaça dels Països Catalans, s/n – 08014 Barcelona, Spain. June 9, 2023 (13:30-17:00 CEST)

Workshop overview:

What is missing, if anything, for RISC-V to become a viable choice for Cloud services?

This workshop aims to facilitate a critical examination of this question, with particular focus on relevant developments within Europe.

Invited speakers will provide an up-to-date outlook on the RISC-V ecosystem and its rapid evolution, covering standardisation developments as well as ongoing research and innovation activities within Europe, particularly from a set of concurrently running projects funded by the EU under the proposal call on “Open source for cloud-based services” as well as other related calls particularly from a set of concurrently running projects funded by the EU under the proposal call on “Open source for cloud-based services” as well as other related calls. The workshop will also host a panel to elicit further insights and concrete action lines for further enhancements of RISC-V technology in support of Cloud services.




RISC-V Status & Outlook – Mark Himelstein (RISC-V International)

Perspective on Open-Source for Cloud-based Services – Luis Busquets (DG CNECT)

AERO: Accelerated European Cloud – Dionysios Pnevmatikatos (NTUA)

OpenCUBE: Open-Source Cloud-Based Services on EPI Systems – Ivy Bo lvy Peng (KTH)

RISER: RISC-V for Cloud Services – Manolis Marazakis (FORTH)

Vitamin-V: Virtual Environment and Tool-Boxing for Trustworthy Development of RISC-V Based Cloud Services – Ramon Canal (UPC)

Perspective on Cloud for Space – Leonidas Kosmidis (BSC)

Speaker bio’s:

Mark Himelstein is the CTO of RISC-V International. Before RISC-V international Mark Himelstein was the President of Heavenstone, Inc. which concentrated on Strategic, Management, and Technology Consulting providing hardware and software product architecture, analysis, mentoring and interim management. Previously, Mark started Graphite Systems, Inc (acquired by EMC) where he was the VP of Engineering and CTO developing large Analytics Appliances using highly integrated FLASH memory. Prior to Graphite, Mark held positions as the CTO of Quantum Corp, Vice President of Solaris development engineering at Sun Microsystems and other technical management roles at Apple, Infoblox, and MIPS. Mark has a bachelors degree in Computer Science and Math from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania and a masters degree in Computer Science from University of California Davis/Livermore. In addition to publishing numerous technical papers and holding many patents, he is the author of the book “100 Questions to Ask Your Software Organization”.


Luis C. Busquets Pérez is a Programme Officer with DG CONNECT, European Commission. He holds a degree in telecommunications engineering (UPC, Barcelona) and a Master in Business Administration (ESADE, Barcelona). For more than 20 years, his professional career has been developed in the ICT sector covering all OSI layers (from fibre optics and semiconductors to IT applications). Previous to his career in the European institutions, he held several positions in marketing and sales for ICT Fortune 500 companies. In 2006, he joined the European Commission services and is currently Programme Officer in DG CONNECT E2, which is the Cloud and Software unit.


Dionisios Pnevmatikatos (BSc U. Crete ’89, PhD UW-Madison 95) is Professor at the School of ECE of the National Technical University of Athens and a member of the Computing Systems Lab (CSLab). Before that he was a Professor of ECE at the Technical University of Crete (2000-2019) and a research associate with FORTH-ICS (1997-2019).His research interests are in the broader area of Computer Architecture, where he investigates the design and implementation of high-performance and cost-effective accelerated, heterogeneous parallel/rack-scale systems.He is the coordinator of the AERO ongoing project and he has participated and coordinated many EU-funded and several national-funded projects in the past. He has also been in the Program Committee and served as a Program (co)Chair in many prestigious conferences in his field.


Juan Fumero is a Research Fellow working as part of the Advanced Processor Technologies (APT) Research Group at The University of Manchester on Heterogeneous Virtual Machines and language runtime systems for the acceleration of applications using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). He is also the software architect of the TornadoVM project. Currently, he collaborates with Intel to bring oneAPI into the TornadoVM framework to perform optimisations for Intel compute architectures (xPUs). He is also an Intel Innovator, and he participates in the Level Zero Technical Advisory Board for helping to shape the next versions of the Level Zero APIs for managed runtime programming languages. Website:


Ivy Peng is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at KTH, Sweden. She leads the Scalable Parallel System Laboratory (ScaLab) to research on heterogeneous systems, including specialized accelerators and heterogeneous memories and converged computing on HPC and Cloud. Before joining KTH, she was a Computer Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab in USA. She is the coordinator of EU Horizon Project OpenCUBE and the PI for several Swedish National projects.


Manolis Marazakis is a Principal Staff Research Scientist at the FORTH research center in Greece, with a research focus on architectures and efficient systems software for high-performance servers and storage systems. He has contributed to the design, implementation and performance evaluation of several HPC and storage system prototypes, with an emphasis on efficiency and resource management for efficient execution on native and virtualised computing system platforms. His current research interests include systems for combined HPC and data processing workloads, HPC system resilience, and distributed execution platforms for data-driven workflows. He is the coordinator of the EU Horizon Project RISER, working towards creating RISC-V system platforms for Cloud services. He holds a PhD in Computer Science (granted in 2000 for a thesis in the area of distributed systems), from the University of Crete, Greece.


Ramon Canal joined the faculty of the Computer Architecture Department of UPC in 2003. He was an Erasmus Student at the University of Bath (UK) in 1998, he worked at Sun Microsystems in 2000, and he was a Fulbright visiting scholar at Harvard University in 2006/2007 and a visiting professor at the University of Cyprus in 2019/2020. His research focuses on open architectures, reliability and security. He has attracted over 2000 references (Google Scholar) to his works. He has been program committee member in several editions of HPCA, ISCA, MICRO, DATE, HiPC, IPDPS, ICCD, ICPADS, CF. He has been co-general chair of HPCA 2016 and IOLTS 2012. He has been track co-chair for DATE 2019 and 2020. He has been financial co-chair of ETS 2022. He is currently an associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) and the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC).  


Leonidas Kosmidis is a Senior Researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). He holds a PhD in Computer Architecture from UPC and a BSc in Computer Science from University of Crete. He is leading the research on embedded GPUs for safety critical systems, both at hardware and system software level within the CAOS (Computer Architecture/Operating Systems) group. He is the PI of several projects funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) such as the GPU4S (GPU for Space) and the Horizon Europe METASAT project, as well as projects funded by industry such as the Airbus Defence and Space which focus on the adoption of GPUs in space and avionics systems. He is also participating in several standardisation efforts regarding GPU programming in safety critical systems. Dr. Kosmidis is the recipient of the RISC-V Educator of the Year Award in 2019 from the RISC-V Foundation and an Honourable Mention for the EuroSyS Roger Needham PhD Award in 2018.



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