Riser Project is attending the Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum: From Cloud to Edge to IoT in Brussels


Riser Project representatives are attending the “Computing Continuum and the Role of AI as a Complementary Technology: European Market Forecast and Insights” event held on May 24, 2023. It is jointly organized by the EU-funded projects AISPRINT and UNLOCK-CEI, representing the EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu initiative. The event’s primary objective is to provide valuable insights to stakeholders across the Cloud, Edge, IoT, AI, and Data communities, including research organizations, associations related to computing continuum technologies, developers, domain experts, government officials, citizens, and civil society members. The event aimed to enhance understanding of the burgeoning demand for (hybrid) cloud computing services and edge computing, especially with emerging trends like the Metaverse, and how these technologies are expected to evolve in the European market.

One key focus was the increasing need for data processing at the edge to reduce latency and ensure data availability and privacy protection. Additionally, leveraging AI and Machine Learning in the IoT sector was highlighted as a means to advance IoT capabilities, reduce communication and storage costs, and benefit citizens and businesses alike.

Furthermore, the event emphasized the importance of an open ecosystem based on Open Source and Open Standards in driving Europe’s green and digital transformation while safeguarding its strategic autonomy. This approach aims to support the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum and prevent vendor lock-in, fostering a competitive economy for EU citizens.

The event marked a significant step towards converging Cloud, Edge, and IoT domains, facilitating an open and inclusive Cloud, Edge, and IoT Computing Continuum. It brought together European researchers and innovators working on the next generation of these technologies, highlighting the need to overcome fragmentation, unite various communities, and harness the power of Open Source.

The event’s structure spanned two days, with the first day focused on concertation, where Horizon Europe RIAs that started in 2023 presented their projects and plans. This allowed for knowledge sharing and potential collaborations. The second day transitioned into a consultation phase, where forward-thinking ideas for the next Horizon Europe Work Programme (2025-2027) were discussed. Various initiatives also presented research roadmaps, shaping the agenda for future investments.

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Source: EU_CloudEdgeIoT



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