The NexusForum2024 Summit – September 19 & 20, Brussels

The NexusForum2024 Summit was held on September 19-20, 2024 with more than 200 registered experts participating from various sectors, including industry, academia, policymakers, and freelancers, gathered in Brussels. The event, supported by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe programme, aimed to explore technological collaborations between the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge, and Cloud, approved members of IPCEI on Cloud Infrastructure & Services, and EU-funded research projects.

The central theme of the discussions during is the great opportunities and challenges associated with the current rise of Edge Computing and how it is transforming Europe’s scientific, technological, and socio-economic landscape by converging traditionally separate domains like High-Performance Computing (HPC), Cloud, and IoT into a unified Computing Continuum

The two-day event featured several keynote presentations, including perspectives from the European Commission, the new EU Parliament, and the EU Digital Transition Observatory. The talks addressed themes such as technocapitalism, Europe’s digital identity, and the role of equality and inclusion. Highlights included presentations from initiatives like the DOME (Distributed Open Marketplace from Europe) and the European Edge Observatory, along with pitch sessions from IPCEI partners and EU-funded research projects.

Panel discussions tackled critical topics such as European digital sovereignty, the role of the cognitive cloud in enabling European data spaces, how diversity and inclusion can address the tech talent gap, and the future of the cognitive computing continuum.

To download presentations and event photos from the NexusForum Summit 2024 please visit for the NexusForum2024 Summit event report.

You can also find more information about the event at the NexusForum2024 Summit website



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